Our Story
"It only took about a year from the time that Daniel learned how to drive for him to fill the barn full of every bit of this and that from the auctions and estate sales that seemed to be happening every weekend. He would drive his Toyota for hours back and forth to get to some of these places, and although he did bring back a lot of this and that, he ended up having a pretty good eye for antiques and vintage collectables." Bob Brothers, Founder.
"You know I've always been impressed with how my dad always had the right tool for the Job. Well maybe not the right tool, but he always had something obscure or so specific i felt like it had to be made just for that desk, or chair or whatever. But no, it just turned out my dad has an eye for how things go together, and a wildly accurate memory for where he left that specific piece of wood in the barn. As I have been in New York teaching myself, and learning from the props industry, how to fix and repair furniture; I find myself growing a greater appreciation for how well my dad can find just the right tool for the job." Daniel Brothers, Founder.
"At first I was just glad they were getting rid of some of the stuff in the barn. But then they built more shelves, and bought more stuff. But you know some of the stuff is really cool!" Kathy Brothers, head of commentary.